Senior Quality Engineer
.img – itai's machine GmbH
| Nov 2023 - Now
IT Segment | Journalistic software platforms
Tech Stack: Typescript, Playwright, Visual Studio Code, GitLab, Jira
- Manual & automation testing
- Maintaining a large e2e automation framework, as well as covering new test cases
Quality Assurance Team Lead
| Oct 2022 - Jul 2023 (10 months)
IT Segment | Bakeries software
Tech Stack: Postman, Visual Studio Code, Flutter, GitLab, Adyen,
Django administration, Notion
- Led testing for the first autonomous Pickup Store launch
Tested 3 mobile apps for Android and iOS and helped the team to
launch a new one
- Started QA processes from scratch
- Created and maintained API and Flutter automation tests
- QA Lead activities
QA Automation Engineer
| Dec 2021 - May 2022 (6 months)
IT Segment | Video game consoles
Tech Stack: Java 11, Selenium, JUnit, MySQL, Maven, Cucumber,
Docker, Git
Worked with a worldwide known company in English fully remotely
- Worked with an old test framework
- Investigated and fixed regression tests
- Built an app for local machines through Docker
- Round map activities
Founder, Project Manager, QA Engineer
| Dec 2019 - Sep 2021 (1 year 10 months)
IT Segment | Matchmaking and Relationship Services Sector
Created an idea for a new mobile app for sharing hobbies and goals
- Performed manual and automation (API) testing
- Created a new start-up from scratch without such experience
- Did everything except design and software development
Software Engineer in Test
| Nov 2016 - Dec 2019 (3 years 2 months)
IT Segment | Telemedecine
Created and mantained Selenium + Appium Java tests from scratch
- Performed manual testing
QA Engineer
The Volga Ecological Company
| Nov 2015 - Nov 2016 (1 year 1 month)
IT Segment | Environmental document workflow solutions
- Performed manual testing
- Monitored server logs
QA Engineer
Soft Artel
| Jul 2015 - Sep 2015 (3 months)
IT Segment | Productivity: notes, planning, calendar
Transitioned from a Business Analyst role to a QA Engineer
- Performed manual testing
QA Automation Engineer
Company "Center"
| Oct 2014 - Jun 2015 (9 months)
IT Segment | Public sector outsourcing
- Developed UI Java Web Selenium and Desktop tests
- Performed a load-testing
- Taught colleagues in the Manual Testing department